Well Track
Well Track: Available to students at any time of day, from any location. WellTrack, features a wellness assessment that students can take one time or on an as-needed basis, to help them understand the activities associated with when they feel better and worse and to identify patterns in their daily activities and how they are feeling.
A virtual reality component in WellTrack simulates some of the more common phobias in modern society, such as public speaking. Coping tools on the site can be used to help students cope with distress.
Self-Help Videos
Self-Help Videos are brief videos conducted by CAPS staff that provide more information on a variety of mental health topics.
Online Screenings
Online Mental Health Screenings are anonymous screenings on several areas of mental health, including depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, substance use, posttraumatic stress disorder, eating disorder, and more.
Is a website that provides outreach and education regarding college student mental health needs and concerns.
*See Community Resources Page for Support Group Information