Name Email Address Cell Phone # Yes! I would like to enroll in the 2025 Nittany Scholars Summer Bridge Program at Penn State York. I have paid my $230 acceptance fee to reserve my place as a first-year student at Penn State. I understand that arrangements for paying the balance of my tuition must be completed by June 22, 2025. (Questions regarding tuition bills should be directed to the Bursar’s office at 814-865-6528.) I understand that if I want to be considered for summer student aid, I will need to file a 2024–25 FAFSA by May 1. This form is in addition to the 2025–26 FAFSA I may have filed for fall 2025. I give Penn State York permission to change my starting enrollment semester from fall 2025 to summer 2025. I agree to participate in the Nittany Scholars Summer Bridge Program activities Mondays and Tuesdays, 8:30 a.m.–1:15 p.m., and Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m., July 2–August 6. I accept enrollment in the following courses: PSU 8 (1 credit) and CAS 100B (3 credits), for a total of 4 credit hours. I agree to attend the mandatory Nittany Scholars Summer Bridge orientation on Monday, June 30 from 9:00–11:00 a.m. I understand that Penn State York does not offer on-campus housing, and that it is my responsibility to obtain housing in the area over the summer. Off-Campus Housing Explore off-campus housing options located near campus by visiting our Off-Campus Housing page. CAPTCHA Submit