A community blood drive is set for Thursday, Aug. 25, at Penn State York. The campus is joining forces with Fox 43 and the American Red Cross to help increase blood supplies. The blood drive, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Conference Center of the Main Classroom Building, is open to the public. Michael Adams, a Penn State York student, knows it is important to stay hydrated when donating blood.
YORK, Pa. — Penn State York, Fox 43, and the American Red Cross have joined together to ask area residents to bleed for a good cause. The American Red Cross is in need of blood and a community drive is set for Thursday, Aug. 25, at Penn State York. The blood drive is from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Conference Center of the Main Classroom Building and is open to the public.
“The American Red Cross reached out to us to see if we wanted to partner with Fox 43 for a community blood drive since they were originally going to have their blood drive on Friday, Aug. 26, a day after ours,” said Dan Puccio, associate director of student affairs and the campus contact for the community blood drive. “Through some additional coordination between the campus, Fox 43, and the American Red Cross, we’re able to offer a community blood drive on Thursday, Aug. 25. We’re very excited to be able to partner with Fox 43 and to have a great turn out from the community as they visit our campus for a good cause and to help save lives.”
In addition to the satisfaction of knowing they have helped someone in need, blood donors will receive a $5 Amazon gift card (via email), a Red Cross T-shirt, a Turkey Hill coupon for a free bottle of Haymaker, and will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card (two winners).
To schedule an appointment to donate blood, please call the American Red Cross at 1-800-RED CROSS or visit the American Red Cross website at redcrossblood.org and click on donate now. Registration is preferred but walk-ins are welcome.