Academic Achievement Award
The award is given to a student in recognition of distinctive academic accomplishments. The award is intended to recognize a student who may not have won an award based solely on overall grade-point average (GPA) but who has done a special project or otherwise done outstanding academic work in a particular area. Minimum qualifications include second year standing by the spring semester of the year in which the award is presented and a 3.50 or higher cumulative GPA .
Eric A. and Josephine S. Walker Award
This University-wide award is presented annually to a full-time undergraduate student from each campus who has completed at least two years of study and has, over this period of time, consistently demonstrated outstanding qualities of character, scholarship, leadership, and citizenship. The student should have positively influenced fellow students and have contributed to the prestige and well-being of the campus and University. The recipient receives an engraved medallion, certificate, and has their name engraved on a plaque displayed on campus. This award is widely recognized as the most prestigious student award of the campus awards program.
Gary L. Collision Community Service Award
This award is given to recognize students who have been highly involved in their local communities for a minimum of 6 months. Paid or unpaid internships done for course credit are not eligible for consideration. Students can self-nominate for this award. The recipient must have a 2.5 GPA or higher.
Penn State Alumni Association York County Chapter Award
The award is presented annually to any Penn State York student who possesses outstanding qualities of scholarship, leadership, and service to the campus. Students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and participate actively in the Blue & White Society and/or the Lion Ambassadors.
Rotary Club of York College Service Award
The award is presented to a student who has demonstrated significant effort to academic improvements or accomplishments and has made noteworthy community or civic accomplishments, whether traditional or non-traditional. The student nominee must be from or currently residing in York City.
Student Leadership Award
This award is presented to a student organization/club officer based on outstanding leadership within the organization, achievements while in office, and service as a role model and motivating force within the club or group.
Unsung Hero Award
This award recognizes a Penn State York faculty or staff member for unselfishly providing outstanding service to the campus and its students, often with limited recognition.