Article I: Standing Committees
The standing committees of the Senate are: Faculty Affairs, Curricular Affairs, Academic and Student Issues and the Teaching, Learning Technology Advisory Committee. Committees are composed of appointed faculty, students, ex officio members, and other persons specified in the committee designations.
Article II: Functions of Standing Committees
A. Faculty Affairs Committee
This committee works to promote professional, academic, and cultural growth of the faculty; seeks to improve lines of communication between faculty, administration, and students; considers any ethical problems arising out of or affecting a faculty member’s performance; and reviews the promotion and tenure review process.
The Faculty Affairs Committee has one subcommittee:
This subcommittee selects the recipient of the Faculty Scholarship of Research and Creative Accomplishments Award based on nominations made by faculty within the Penn State system. Membership shall consist of the three immediately preceding award recipients, the senate chair-elect, and one faculty member appointed jointly by the Director of Academic Affairs and the Chancellor. The members of this subcommittee select one of themselves as chair.
B. Curricular Affairs Committee
This committee evaluates proposals for new academic degree programs and makes recommendations about them to the Senate. It also periodically reviews the quality and needs of existing degree programs offered at the Campus. Committee membership shall be comprised of three representatives from each of the Academic Units and a Chair, appointed by the Chair of the York Campus Senate. No more than one representative from a given discipline may serve concurrently. Committee composition should ideally meet the goal of providing representation from multiple full-time types of appointment. The representatives will be selected by the faculty within the appropriate academic unit; the DAA is an ex officio member.
C. Academic and Student Issues Committee
This committee addresses the quality of the campus academic environment, including instruction, instructional evaluation, advising, transitional programs, learning support, clubs and other extracurricular activities, and student conduct. The Director of Academic Affairs, the Director of Student and Enrollment Services, the Director of Advising and Career Development, the Director of the Nittany Success Center, and the Head Librarian (or their representatives) are ex-officio members. Student representatives are encouraged to serve on this committee.
The Academic and Student Issues Committee has four subcommittees:
This subcommittee oversees the York Campus Honors Program. This function includes determining student eligibility, approving proposals for honor’s options, and coordinating special programs, benefits, and awards for program participants. Each fall the subcommittee will report to the Senate on the previous year’s program. The subcommittee is chaired by the campus coordinator of the University Scholars Program. Membership shall include at least one student enrolled in the Honors Program. In appointing members, the Senate Chair shall consult with the coordinator of the University Scholars Program. The Director of Admissions is an ex officio member.
This subcommittee selects the recipients of the James H. Burness Excellence in Teaching Award based on nominations made by faculty, students, and administrators. Membership shall consist of the full-time teaching award recipients from the four immediately preceding academic years, the most recent part-time faculty recipient (if he or she is able to serve), and the Director of Academic Affairs. Each full time faculty member will chair this body during his or her fourth year, before he or she rotates off the subcommittee.
This subcommittee is composed of the Academic Advising Award winners from the four preceding years and two student members selected by the Student Government Association. The Division of Undergraduate Studies Programs Coordinator, the Division of Undergraduate Studies adviser, and the Director of Academic Affairs are ex officio members of this subcommittee. The subcommittee will function as prescribed in the rules and procedures governing the Academic Advising Award. In addition, the subcommittee will be responsible for supporting the campus advising system. Each faculty member will chair this body during his or her fourth year, before he or she rotates off the subcommittee.
This subcommittee administers all academic and service student awards. It sets requirements for new awards, selects recipients of awards, assists the Director of Student and Enrollment Services with the Annual Awards Ceremony, and submits an annual report to the Chancellor at the end of Spring Semester. Membership shall consist of at least two faculty and two staff. In appointing members, the Senate Chair shall consult with the Director of Student and Enrollment Services. The Director of Student and Enrollment Services or a designee is an ex officio member of this subcommittee. The members of this subcommittee select a full time faculty member as chair.
D. Teaching, Learning Technology Advisory Committee
This committee addresses issues relating to academic technology, classroom technology, and faculty development needs in scholarship, teaching and learning, and campus space allocation. The committee assesses technology and training needs, recommends technology standards for classrooms and campus infrastructure, develops classroom improvement proposals, and recommends course of action regarding space allocation. Upon notification by the campus administration that space is available, the committee can assess faculty needs and recommend a course of action. The Director of Academic Affairs, Registrar, Director of Business Services, Director of Information Technology, campus Instructional Designer, and the Coordinator of the Master in Education in Teaching and Curriculum are ex-officio members. Student representatives are encouraged to serve on this committee.
Article III: Special Committees
Special committees to consider subjects not already assigned to a standing committee may be created as needed by the Chair.
Article IV: Committee Chairs
Committee chairs must be full-time faculty members, and normally they will be chosen from the membership of the previous year’s committee. The same faculty member normally may not chair a committee for more than two consecutive years.
A committee may invite to committee meetings non-members who might assist the committee in its work, but the chair will ensure that only committee members may vote in making committee decisions. Committee chairs will inform the Senate Chair of non-routine matters they wish to consider and secure the Senate Chair’s concurrence before proceeding. All reports and proposals made by committees and subcommittees will be presented to the Campus Senate.
Once each semester, committee chairs will report in writing to the Senate membership on the progress of their committee’s work.
ARTICLE V: Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern all meetings of this Senate in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they do not conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws.
1. Unit - The Ombudsperson Unit shall consist of all full-time faculty members and members of the Division of Undergraduate Studies.
2. Voting Privileges and Qualifications of Faculty Ombudsperson
a. Voting privileges are extended to all members of the Unit, and only to members of the Unit. All members of the Ombudsperson Unit who have had one academic year’s experience at York Campus at the beginning of their term of office are eligible to serve in this position.
3. Nomination and Election of Faculty Ombudsperson
a. The faculty Ombudsperson shall be elected during the Spring Semester of odd-numbered years.
b. An Ad Hoc Committee for nominating shall be appointed at the beginning of the Spring Semester by the Chair of the Campus Senate. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor, after a slate of at least three candidates has been offered by the Nominating Committee. At the time of nomination, each potential candidate must indicate willingness to serve if elected.
c. Election shall be by secret ballot by all members of the Unit.
d. The Chair of the Campus Senate shall appoint an Ad Hoc Committee responsible for handling ballots and tallying votes.
e. The individual receiving the highest number of votes will be the elected faculty Ombudsperson. The individual with the second highest number of votes will be declared the Alternate faculty Ombudsperson.
4. Conditions of Office
a. The term of office shall be two years, starting on July 1 following the time of election.
b. The Alternate faculty Ombudsperson is encouraged to assist the faculty Ombudsperson in fulfilling the duties of the position. If the faculty Ombudsperson is unable to complete the term, the Alternate will assume the duties of the faculty Ombudsperson for the remainder of the term and an election will be held to fill the position of Alternate faculty Ombudsperson within 30 days.
1. Unit
This subcommittee oversees the York Campus Honors Program. This function includes determining student eligibility, approving courses to be offered, and coordinating special programs, benefits, and awards for program participants.
2. Composition and Size of the Honors Awards Subcommittee
This subcommittee is chaired by the Campus Coordinator of the University Scholars Program. Its membership includes at least one student enrolled in the Honors Program. In appointing members, the Senate Chair will consult with the Campus Coordinator of the University Scholars Program. The total number of members on the committee is unrestricted. The Director of Admissions is an ex officio member.
3. Oversight
Each fall the subcommittee will report to the Senate on the previous year’s program. The Academic and Student Issues Committee (ASIC) will receive at least one annual report from the Honors Subcommittee as well. In addition, ASIC will periodically review the above rules and procedures, in consultation with the Honors Subcommittee, and recommend any necessary changes to the Campus Senate. ASIC will also advocate for the subcommittee in seeking any support it requires from the Senate.
III. ACADEMIC AND STUDENT ISSUES COMMITTEE (ASIC) - Dr. James H. Burness Excellence in Teaching Award Sub-Committee
1. Unit
This subcommittee selects the recipients of the James H. Burness Excellence in Teaching Award. The award is given annually to recognize any aspect of excellent instruction (lectures, demonstrations, classroom activities, handling of discussions, individual attention, laboratory instruction, etc.) that contributes to the academic quality of Penn State York. The purpose of the award is to recognize excellence in instruction, not to identify the “most popular” faculty member. Two awards are bestowed each year, one on a full-time faculty member and one on a part-time member of the faculty.
2. Composition and Size of the Teaching Award Subcommittee
Membership is comprised of the four most recent full-time faculty recipients, the most recent part-time faculty recipient (if they are able to serve), and the Director of Academic Affairs. Each full-time faculty member will chair this body during his or her fourth year, before he or she rotates off the subcommittee. In case of an exception (due to retirement, sabbatical, medical reasons, etc.), the composition of the committee is decided by the outgoing chair in consultation with ASIC.
3. Award Eligibility
All full-time Penn State York faculty (Tenure-Line, FT1 & FTM), shall be considered for the full-time teaching award. Tenured or full-time faculty who only teach a part-time load shall be considered as “full-time” for the purposes of this award. Adjunct Penn State York (FT2) faculty shall be considered for the part-time teaching award. Faculty from other campuses involved in shared-courses are ineligible for this award. Award recipients from the four immediately preceding academic years are ineligible for consideration.
4. Nomination and Selection Procedures
The awards committee shall solicit nominations during the fall and spring semesters. The committee chairperson is responsible for arranging the call for nominations. Nominations will be requested through an email to the Student and the Faculty List Serves, as well as postings on the Penn State York website. Nominations will be accepted only from faculty, staff and current Penn State students. Nominations will be evaluated in the spring semester and finalists will be chosen for each category. A minimum of two finalists for the adjunct award and three finalists for the full-time award must be selected. In the event that sufficient finalists cannot be determined, the committee will make further requests to the faculty/staff via the List Serve for nominations. The finalists will be announced to the campus and additional comments from the faculty/staff and the student body will also be requested (via the List Serves). A teaching peer-review will be conducted for one class for each of the finalists during the spring semester, with those students being given an in-class survey. Faculty nominated during the fall semester will have their classroom evaluation performed during the fall semester if they are not teaching in the spring. The committee and faculty member will work together to determine the class to be surveyed. In addition to a thorough peer-review, the class session will also be video recorded, so that each member of the award committee has the opportunity to review every candidate. Students in each class will be notified of the video recording ahead of the teaching review and all videos will be deleted after the final selection has been made. The committee will determine the recipient of the teaching award based upon criteria including strength of nominations, record of previous nominations, teaching demonstration, student surveys, and other evidence of sustained teaching excellence. The opening and closing dates of these nomination windows shall be established by the Teaching Awards committee, but will generally conform to the following schedule: • Window to seek nominations during the fall semester: November • Window to seek nominations during the spring semester: Mid-February to mid-March •
Announcements of finalists: By the end of March • Class visitations and announcement of award recipients: By the end of first full week of April (to be coordinated with the DAA/Academic Awards committee) The committee may decide to not select an award recipient in either category if it does not find sufficient evidence of excellence in teaching.
5. Citation
A citation outlining the teaching excellence of the awardee and signed by the Teaching Award Subcommittee members will be presented to the awardee at the annual awards program. The previous year’s recipient will present this citation. It is the responsibility of the chair to work with the Director of Academic Affairs in securing the certificate as well as funds for the monetary prize (a minimum of $600 full-time; $600 part-time) associated with this award.
6. Oversight
ASIC will receive at least one annual report from the Teaching Award Subcommittee. In addition, ASIC will periodically review the above rules and procedures, in consultation with the Teaching Award Subcommittee, and recommend any necessary changes to the Campus Senate. ASIC will advocate for the subcommittee in seeking any support it requires from the Senate.
1. Unit
The Academic Adviser plays an important role in undergraduate education at Penn State by providing advice and consultation on registration, course offerings, areas of faculty interest and expertise, educational opportunities and goals, degree programs, educational policies, regulations, and procedures. Good advising throughout a student’s academic career helps him or her become a self-directed learner and decision maker and may contribute to retention and degree completion. The Academic Advising Council supports academic advising across the campus, mentors academic advisers, recognizes excellent advising, and promotes best practices in advising.
2. Composition and Size of the Academic Advising Council Subcommittee
Membership is composed of the four most recent full-time faculty recipients and two student members selected by the Student Government Association. The Division of Undergraduate Studies Programs Coordinator, the Division of Undergraduate Studies adviser, and the Director of Academic Affairs are ex officio members of this subcommittee. Each faculty member will chair this body during his or her fourth year, before he or she rotates off the subcommittee.
3. Award Eligibility
All faculty (Tenure Line, FT1, FT2, and FTM) and staff who serve as academic advisers (with the exception of professional advisers from the Advising and Career Development Office) are eligible for consideration of the award. Exception: an Academic Advising awardee will not be eligible for consideration for four years after receiving the award. Special cases will be considered at the discretion of the Academic Advising Award Subcommittee in consultation with ASIC.
4. Nomination and Selection Procedures
The Academic Advising Council Subcommittee will solicit nominations during both fall semester and spring semester using email messages to the Student and the Faculty List Serves as well as postings on the Penn State York website. The opening and closing dates for these nomination windows will be established annually by the subcommittee. Nominations will be accepted from any students, faculty, and staff that have observed excellent advising. From these nominations, the subcommittee will select up to three finalists. It will use feedback from advisees of finalists to determine the annual award winner.
5. Citation
A citation outlining the excellent advising qualities of the awardee and signed by the Academic Advising Award Subcommittee members will be presented to the awardee at the Annual Awards Banquet. The previous year’s recipient will present this citation. It is the responsibility of the chair to work with the Director of Academic Affairs in securing the certificate as well as funds for the monetary prize ($350) associated with this award.
6. Oversight
ASIC will receive at least one annual report from the Academic Advising Award Subcommittee. In addition, ASIC will periodically review the above rules and procedures, in consultation with the Academic Advising Award Subcommittee, and recommend any necessary changes to the Campus Senate. ASIC will advocate for the subcommittee in seeking any support it requires from the Senate.
1. Unit
This subcommittee administers all student academic and service awards; in this capacity it sets requirements for new awards, selects recipients of awards based on established criteria, and assists with the Annual Awards Banquet. In annually appointing membership, the Senate Chair will consult with the Director of Student Enrollment Services.
2. Composition and Size of the Student Awards Subcommittee
This subcommittee is ideally composed of at least two faculty and two staff and the Director of Student and Enrollment Services (or a designee). In appointing members, the Senate Chair shall consult with the Director of Student and Enrollment Services. The members of the subcommittee select a full time faculty member as their chair.
3. Nomination and Selection Procedures
Beginning in fall 2014, the subcommittee will solicit nominations during both fall semester and spring semester using email messages to the Student and the Faculty List Serves as well as postings on the Penn State York website. The opening and closing dates for these nomination windows will be established annually by the subcommittee. Award winners will be selected by early March, and the Annual Awards Banquet will be held in April. In selecting award recipients, members of this subcommittee will collaborate with the Registrar.
4. Oversight
The Student Awards Subcommittee will submit an annual report to the Chancellor at the end of spring Semester. ASIC will also receive at least one annual report from the Student Awards Subcommittee. In addition, ASIC will periodically review the above rules and procedures, in consultation with the Student Awards Subcommittee, and recommend any necessary changes
to the Campus Senate. ASIC will advocate for the subcommittee in seeking any support it requires from the Senate.
1. Unit
This subcommittee selects the recipient of the Faculty Scholarship of Research and Creative Accomplishments Award (hereafter “Scholarship Award”) based on nominations made by faculty within the Penn State system. The Penn State York Scholarship Award recognizes outstanding achievement in research and/or creative accomplishment within the prior three years, in the context of a sustained record of scholarship. It is not a lifetime achievement award. The Penn State York community considers research and creative accomplishments essential to a vibrant campus climate, and the award celebrates the diverse contributions of Penn State York faculty in a variety of disciplines and modes. One award is bestowed each academic year, although in rare cases a committee may choose not to make an award or to split the award.
2. Composition and Size of the Scholarship Award Subcommittee
Membership shall consist of the three immediately preceding award recipients, each serving a three-year term; the senate chair-elect; and one faculty member, serving a one-year term, appointed jointly by the Director of Academic Affairs and the Chancellor. The appointed faculty member shall be selected in order to maintain a balance for representation from all faculty ranks on the subcommittee. The composition is designed to bring together elected faculty leaders and those who have met the criteria for the Scholarship Award as well as to maintain representation among faculty of different ranks. The members of this subcommittee select one of themselves as chair. Award nominees may not serve on the subcommittee. In the event of a recusal, resignation, or other vacancy on the committee, the Senate Chair and the Director of Academic Affairs will jointly appoint a replacement to serve for the academic year.
3. Award Eligibility
Faculty of all ranks are eligible for the award. Faculty holding full-time administrative positions are not eligible for the award. Award recipients are ineligible to receive the award for three years after receipt of award, and then only with evidence of substantial new contributions.
4. Nomination and Selection Procedures
Nominations may be made by faculty members within the Penn State system. Nominations are accepted until January 15 of the academic year in which the award is to be made. Self-nominations are accepted. The Director of Academic Affairs will notify all nominees immediately following the deadline; nominees then decide whether to accept or decline the nomination. All nominees must submit the following materials to the Director of Academic Affairs by March 1:
- A list of last three year’s Research and Creative Accomplishments directly obtained from the Digital Measures, or if not available, a current CV,
- A maximum one-page Research Statement summarizing the nominee’s scholarship of research and/or creative accomplishments, current work, and future direction and potential of his/her work,
The nominee is responsible for making sure that all materials are provided to the Director of Academic Affairs in a timely manner. Incomplete nomination packets will not be forwarded to the committee.
The Scholarship Award Subcommittee will review the nominees and select a recipient by April 1. In its deliberations, the subcommittee shall recognize and respect the contributions of faculty in various disciplines, judging as far as possible on the basis of the discipline’s criteria for excellence in scholarship. The committee will evaluate the nominees based on the criteria outlined below.
- Scholarship and creative accomplishments will be judged on the basis of originality and significance to the discipline in these areas
- Originality: The degree to which the work represents the development of new knowledge in a creative manner and with independent insight;
- Experimental Practices: The degree to which the work involved developing innovative hypotheses or new and superior experimental technologies; and
- Presentation: The degree to which products and results were presented to the disciplinary community with clarity through timely presentation in appropriate venues.
- Grants: As appropriate to the discipline, evidence of external funding demonstrating the significance of the work.
- Application: Use of scholarship to advance pedagogy or community/professional practice.
5. Citation
A citation outlining the scholarly excellence of the awardee and signed by the Scholarship Award Subcommittee members will be presented to the awardee at the Annual Awards Ceremony. The acting chair will present this citation. It is the responsibility of the chair to work with the Director of Academic Affairs in securing the certificate as well as funds for the monetary prize ($750 at the time of initiation). The awardee may choose to take the prize in cash or as professional development funds.
6. Oversight
The Scholarship Award Subcommittee will submit a short report detailing its activities and name(s) of the award recipient(s) in time for inclusion in the Fall Faculty Affairs Committee Report to the Faculty Senate. FAC will periodically review the above rules and procedures, in consultation with the Scholarship Award Subcommittee, and recommend any necessary changes to the Campus Senate. FAC will advocate for the subcommittee in seeking any support it requires from the Senate.
(Passed November 2, 1973)
Revised and Approved April, 2005
Revised and Approved April, 2011
Revised and Approved December, 2011
Revised and Approved April, 2014
Revised and Approved January, 2019
Revised and Approved September, 2019
Revised and approved March 2021
Ratified February 15, 2022