Help brighten the holidays for soldiers in the U.S. Army National Guard soldiers in Afghanistan by making a donation to Santa for Soldiers. Items being accepted include personal hygiene items, snacks, books, and games are being gather through Sunday, Nov. 11. Holiday cards and letter would also be appreciated.
There’s still time to donate to Santa for Soldiers and brighten the holidays for soldiers serving in the military. Penn State York’s Blue and White Society (BWS) has once again joined forces with the Penn State York Alumni Society (PSYAS), and Mt. Rose Barberama for “Santa for Solders” (SFS). The groups are working together to collect items, now through Sunday, Nov. 11 for U.S. Army National Guard soldiers stationed in Afghanistan.
“This project is a partnership with our Penn State York Alumni Society group and was brought to our campus as a community service effort that could get even more Penn Staters involved in sending some holiday cheer to our soldiers overseas,” said Iona Conlon, Blue & White Society adviser and an alumni and development specialist at Penn State York. “The Blue & White Society is the student extension of the Penn State Alumni Association,” Conlon said.
Conlon noted that many Penn State York students, faculty, and staff members have friends and families in the service, and SFS is just one small way they can get involved and help the troops.
Letters, cards, and items from toothpaste to playing cards to cheese crackers, are being collected now through Nov. 11. For a list of items appropriate for donation, visit the PSYAS website at psyas.org. For more information, contact Conlon, at 717-718-6781 or email [email protected], or contact Joyce Turner, SFS program coordinator and PSYAS board member, at 717-843-3291 or email [email protected].
Collection boxes at Penn State York are located in the Pullo Family Performing Arts Center (The Pullo Center) near the box office, and The Bradley Building, 1118 South Albemarle Street, on campus. Donation boxes are also located at the Mt. Rose Barberama, 1160 Mt. Rose Ave., York.
Monetary gifts also will be accepted to help defray the cost of postage. Those who want to make monetary donations should visit PSYAS.org and click on the donate button to use PayPal to donate postage funds to SFS 2018.