Penn State York has announced its fall 2020 graduates. Students were honored during a virtual all-University commencement on Dec. 19.
YORK, Pa. — Penn State York took part in the fall all-University virtual commencement on Saturday, Dec. 19. More than 5,000 students graduated from Penn State following the fall semester, with 36 of them from Penn State York. Members of the fall Class of 2020 had their degrees conferred by University leadership via the virtual presentation.
View the virtual commencement and special pages dedicated to York graduates.
Associate degrees
The following students received associate degrees: Adam Milton Boyer, Dover, Pennsylvania, business administration; Laquetta Coates, York, Pennsylvania, human development and family studies; Andrew Dubicki, Hanover, Pennsylvania, electrical engineering technology; Stacy Freeland, York, Pennsylvania, human development and family studies; Joshua Nell, Dover, Pennsylvania, electrical engineering technology; Katia Denae Rubinstein, York, Pennsylvania, information sciences and technology; Hannah Rose Stambaugh, Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania, business administration; and Corey Jacques Willard, York, Pennsylvania, electrical engineering technology, magna cum laude.
Baccalaureate degrees
The following students received baccalaureate degrees: Juanita Danielle Baxter, York, Pennsylvania, human development, and family studies; John-Bryan Edward Brown, York, Pennsylvania, business; Matthew Christopher Daly, York, Pennsylvania, information sciences and technology; John S. Donahue, York, Pennsylvania, English; Andrew Dubicki, Hanover, Pennsylvania, electro-mechanical engineering technology; Robert Napoleon Garcia, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, psychology and a veteran; Cindy Gonzalez, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, business; Cheyenne R. Graham, York, Pennsylvania, biology; Fatma Hassan, York, Pennsylvania, biology, and a Graham Fellow; Harrison Roy Hufnagle, York, Pennsylvania, biology; Austin Michael Huynh, York, Pennsylvania, biology; Kethmini Hiranya Jayamaha, York, Pennsylvania, biology; Mohamed Kaba, Bronx, New York, business with a minor in information sciences and technology; Sierra Mackenzie King, Manchester, Pennsylvania, information sciences and technology with a minor in psychology; Koven Lennex Leatherman, New Oxford, Pennsylvania, electro-mechanical engineering technology and a Graham Fellow; Mena Raifet Mekail, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, biology; Alexander Peter Prevas, Seven Valleys, Pennsylvania, business; Robert C. Reardon, York, Pennsylvania, business; Emily Repman, Mount Wolf, Pennsylvania, psychology; Ayanah Alexis Lenora Savage, Owings Mills, Maryland, business; Jamar Smith, York, Pennsylvania, business; Brock Austin Stoots, York, Pennsylvania, business; Jonathan Charles Sutton, York, Pennsylvania, business; Amanda Taylor Tabb, York, Pennsylvania, health policy administration with a minor in organizational leadership; Haley F. Zimmer, Mount Wolf, Pennsylvania, psychology; and Bryce Zirkle, Manchester, Pennsylvania, information sciences and technology.
Master of education in teaching and curriculum
The following students received a master of education in teaching and curriculum: Caitlin Elenor Pflaum, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania; and Ashley Lauren Pixley, York, Pennsylvania.