Penn State York will take part in Giving Tuesday with two campaigns - one for athletics and the other for the Women's Philanthropic Network (WPN).
Giving Tuesday is set for Tuesday, Dec. 1 and Penn State York has two campaigns to help raise funds as part of the event. From 6:55 p.m. EST — or 18:55 in military time, a nod to the year of Penn State's founding - on Nov. 30 until midnight on Dec. 1, Penn State will participate in its sixth #GivingTuesday — and alumni, parents, friends, fans, faculty, staff, and students are invited to help make the day a success.
Globally, #GivingTuesday is a celebration of generosity, and this year’s Penn State event will feature more than 125 campaigns to support scholarships, research, programs, and more — a record level of University-wide participation.
“This our first go-round with Giving Tuesday and we are excited to see what happens as a result of our involvement,” said Jeff Barkdoll, athletic director at Penn State York. “What is unique about this effort is that donors will be able to not just donate to athletics” but are able to choose a particular sport to benefit from their generosity. In a year where fundraising efforts are hampered due to restrictions surrounding the pandemic, we felt that this was a viable option that is safe and easy for those who wish to do donate, with a direct impact to the benefit of our student-athletes,” he said.
Funds raised will directly be used to assist with the rising costs associated in conducting athletics in this new environment. Funds may be used to assist with increased transportation, and added testing requirements, that will be required of all athletes and staff. In addition, funds may be used to replace worn out equipment and uniforms necessary for competitive play.
Penn State York offers baseball, men’s and women’s basketball, golf for men and women, soccer, and women’s volleyball. Learn more about the athletics program.
Visit the campus athletic Giving Tuesday page to donate.
Penn State York’s Women’s Philanthropic Network (WPN), is the only organization of its kind in the University. The group welcomes both established donors and new donors making their first gift. The WPN brings women together, both face to face and with technology, to unite their financial power in a collective voice—to create, nurture, and transform Penn State York through philanthropy and encourage the development of women as philanthropic leaders. Learn more about the WPN and watch some inspiring videos about funded projects.
Each year, the chancellor of Penn State York presents the WPN with requests from the campus community that address needs as basic as scholarship support for students and as diverse as funding for academic programs, athletic activities, student life activities, and community outreach endeavors. The WPN considers those initiatives that meet both the mission and the strategic imperatives established by the campus leadership team.
Members are required to make annual gifts of cash (checks, credit cards, appreciated securities) that are directed to the priorities and goals established for the WPN. A portion of the donation could be utilized to support and sustain the activities of the WPN. If your employer has a matching gift policy, those matching gifts count toward your membership level for the year.
To donate to the WPN visit their Giving Tuesday page.
New for 2020, supporters may choose to make an early gift or sign up to become a champion by creating a personal fundraising page to benefit any active #GivingTuesday campaign. Back again, graduates of the last decade (GOLD) who make a gift of $5 or more to a campaign will receive a 1:1 match from the University, up to $100.
Penn State students will be celebrating #GivingTuesday across the Commonwealth with more than 25 student-led campaigns. In place of a Student Philanthropy Network-hosted event held annually at University Park’s HUB-Robeson Center, student groups will be promoting their campaigns on the Raise Penn State social platforms leading up to and during #GivingTuesday.
On Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, givingtuesday.psu.edu will feature live updates on fundraising progress across the University. Individuals can show their “We Are” spirit by posting to social media with the hashtag #TogetherWeAre and following @RaisePennState on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for event highlights.
Gifts made on #GivingTuesday 2020 will advance “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence,” a focused campaign that seeks to elevate Penn State’s position as a leading public university in a world defined by rapid change and global connections. With the support of alumni and friends, “A Greater Penn State” seeks to fulfill the three key imperatives of a 21st-century public university: keeping the doors to higher education open to hard-working students regardless of financial well-being; creating transformative experiences that go beyond the classroom; and impacting the world by serving communities and fueling discovery, innovation and entrepreneurship. To learn more about “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence,” visit greaterpennstate.psu.edu.
For more information about Penn State York’s Giving Tuesday campaigns, contact Jeff Barkdoll, athletic director at Penn State York, at [email protected] or for the WPN, Di Hershey, director of development at Penn State York, at [email protected].
For more information or fall other questions #GivingTuesday, contact the Penn State Office of Annual Giving at 888-800-9163 or [email protected].