Allison Rambler, a student at Penn State York, experienced the distracted driving simulator during UNITE's Arrive Alive Tour visit to campus last year. The simulator is on campus from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 7 at the lower entrance of the Pullo Family Performing Arts Center.
YORK, Pa. — Get behind the wheel of a real-life drunk driving and texting simulator, and experience the impact that alcohol and texting has on your ability to drive safely, when Penn State York hosts UNITE’s Arrive Alive Tour on Thursday, Sept. 7. The simulator will be on campus from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., near the lower entrance to the Pullo Family Performing Arts Center (The Pullo Center).
“With technology ever-evolving, our dependence toward our cellular devices, and the still real danger of people getting behind the wheel after having a few drinks, this program is not just important but it is necessary,” said Dan Puccio, associate director of student affairs at Penn State York. “These simulations help show students firsthand how their decisions behind the wheel can not only affect themselves but those around them as well.”
The Arrive Alive Tour uses a high-tech simulator, impact video, and a number of other resources to educate the public about the dangers of texting while driving and intoxicated driving. In a controlled environment, participants experience the potential consequences of texting while driving, driving when drunk, and other aspects of distracted driving. This educational program is a hands-on experience with a goal of teaching students and others about the real dangers of distracted driving. The program is sponsored by the student affairs office at the York campus.
According to information from the Arrive Alive Tour, one of the most commonly recognized driving distractions is cellphone use. About 89 percent of all Americans have a cellphone, according to CTIA – The Wireless Association. Drivers under 20 years old have the highest proportion of distraction-related fatal crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Their lack of driving experience can contribute to critical misjudgments if they become distracted. Not surprisingly, they text more than any other age group, and the number of young drivers who text is only increasing.
UNITE brings health and wellness programs to high school and college campuses across the nation. Their programs are designed to heighten awareness to the dangers and consequences of drunken and distracted driving. These events have a powerful impact on students to reinforce the subjects that schools and parents teach them daily.