Course designed to help students improve SAT scores

SAT at Penn State York

Penn State York's four-session SAT preparation course runs from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. beginning March 23, 2019.

Credit: Penn State

YORK, Pa. — Designed to help high school students prepare to take the SAT, Penn State York’s SAT preparation course offers students a variety of test-taking strategies.

The course meets from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on four consecutive Saturdays beginning Oct. 1. The four-session course meets in Room 112 of the Edward M. Elias Science Building.

This course has been updated to review math and English concepts, test timing, and format. It has successfully helped students to prepare for the exam by offering tips to improve effectiveness and efficiency when taking the test. By using real SAT exam questions, participants can learn how to do an appropriate analysis of them.

The newly redesigned SAT test covers reading, writing, and math skills. Preparing with live instructors allows students to ask questions, receive immediate answers, and interact with other students. The instructors are fully qualified to assist students in improving their math and critical reading/writing skills as well as in providing guidance for test-taking strategies.

Cost for each four-session course is $210 and includes a copy of “The College Board SAT Study Guide.”  Students should bring a calculator for use in the math review portion of the course.  

For more information on the SAT preparation course offered at Penn State York, please call Judy Woods at 717-771-4032, email her at [email protected], or visit the website at
