Collaborate with Strategic Communications

The Strategic Communications team works collaboratively with the school community to promote the York campus and raise the visibility and reputation of the university in our region.

Areas of oversight are branding, media relations, public relations, print design, website design and development, advertising consultation, social media, and other outreach efforts that support our campus. 

What We Do

The development of the York website and the production of various digital media projects are managed by our department. In addition, support is provided across campus to ensure a consistent visual identity for both external and internal publications. The design and development of publications and advertisements are also part of our responsibilities. News releases are written and coordinated with the media to ensure effective communication. The Strategic Communications department is available to assist faculty and staff in generating publicity for campus organizations and University-sponsored events. All publicity efforts, including the release of news materials, should be coordinated through Strategic Communications.

Faculty and Staff can Request...

  • Calendar Events
  • Campus Map Updates
  • Event Promotion
  • New Headshots
  • News Release / Feature Story
  • Photography / Video
  • Print Media Projects
  • Social Media Projects
  • Website Updates
  • UBR Numbers

Other requests will be taken on a case-by-case basis.

Project Scheduling 

Strategic Communications asks for a minimum of 10 business days to complete requests; however, please communicate your needs as early as possible. We understand emergency situations arise and are here to work with you to fulfill your requests in a timely manner.

Please keep the following in mind when scheduling your request: 

  • Social media campaigns, media releases, and feature stories require a minimum of two weeks. 
  • Event promotion:  Effective event promotion can take a minimum of three weeks before the event to help get the word out.  
  • Print requests:  Print requests have a minimum three-week delivery window. This timeframe allows adequate time for staff to review, update, and approve materials per Penn State brand guidelines and to assign UBR number(s). It also ensures that we can give our professional printers two weeks to print and deliver the job to campus.  

Fill out a collaboration request//